Best of BYU A Cappella Club 2020 Skip to main content
BYU A Cappella Club


Best of BYU A Cappella Club 2020

An image of the album cover of the best of the a cappella club in 2020

We are excited to annouce the release of the 2020 BOBAC album!

Track List:

  1. Legends Never Die - Chromatix
  2. Writings on the Wall - Y Not
  3. No Excuses - Parallel Motion
  4. No Roots - A Lotta Fermata
  5. Imagination - 1AChord
  6. Lovebug - Duly Noted
  7. The Hunt - Familiar Ring
  8. 1-800-273-8255 - Secret Chord
  9. The Nights - AmpliFYRE
  10. Sway - AmpliFYRE

Stream & Download:

Amazon Music | Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube

Download the liner notes here.