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Starting the Semester Off Right

Preparation is often the key to a successful year. Outlined below are a few things that will help ensure you have a better start to the school year and hopefully prevent a few grey hairs later on!

1. Renew Your Charter

Each school year, BYUSA requires each club to renew their charter. If your charter is not renewed, your club will not be recognized, and will therefore be unable to reserve rooms, plan events, or earn Merit Money.

2. Submit the Merit Money Form

In order to receive any Merit Money from BYUSA, you must complete and submit the Merit Money Form. Many groups have learned from sad experience that even if you participate in activities to earn merit money, you will not receive it. It is important to note that Merit Money cannot be awarded to clubs retroactively, so make sure to turn in this form as soon as possible!

This form can be found and turned in at the BYUSA Office (3400 WSC).

3. Update Officers & Club Info

Keeping information updated is important to be recognized by BYUSA and to help new members find you!

First, go to and select your club.

At the top of the page is all of the information about your club. Be sure your club's social media is listed here, and that your meeting times and locations are accurate.

Scroll down to the officers section and make sure the officers are correct, and that their training is up to date.

If any of the information above needs to be updated, simply click the edit button at the top of the page.

If you have any questions, please contact the BYUSA Clubs Coordinator, Spencer Hawkins. His email is, and his office is in the BYUSA Office (3400 WSC).

4. Preparing for Auditions

There are many new and excited students who are looking to join a BYU a cappella group. Be sure to let them know what you're looking for and who you are!

[Additional instruction is needed.]

5. Check Finances

Most people don't want to worry about our money in their club, but it's important to keep on top of. If your club owes money to the BYU A Cappella Club, your club will not be able to participate in paid events such as the Jam, Sing & Shout, and BOBAC CD.

Check with the VP of Finance to determine your club's standing with the BYU A Cappella Club. Find their email on the club roster.

You can ask the BYUSA accountants about your club's account balance and get a list of transactions. Send them and email at or visit them at the BYUSA Office (3400 WSC).

6. Plan Concerts & Performances

[Additional instruction is needed.]