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Expense Requests: How-to Instructions

This article is designed to walk you through the steps required to transfer funds from your club to the main A Cappella Club. Similar steps will be followed for all other payments.

If you want to make sure you have enough funds to make the transfer, you can ask the accountants in the BYUSA office – either in person (3400 WSC) or via email (

1. Open the Website

Go to, click on “My Clubs/Associations”, and log into your account.

2. Pick Your Club

Select your club that you want to transfer funds from.

3. Begin the Request

Scroll down and click the “Request New Expense” button.

4. Vendor Field

Select “Other” on the “Vendor” drop down menu. This will reveal a new field – “Source/Vendor”.

5. Identify the Transferee

In this new field write “BYU A Cappella Club”.

6. Contact Info

Enter your name and contact information in the appropriate fields.

7. Write a Description

Write a detailed description in the “Description and Purpose” box. For example:

  • “Familiar Ring’s portion of the CD costs for the 2022 BOBAC album.”
  • “Contributions for maintenance of sound equipment due to use at our recent concert”

8. Enter the Amount

Enter the amount you want to transfer in the “Estimated Cost” field.

9. Submit the Request

Hit the "Submit Request" button.

10. Checking Approval Status

Back on the main page in the “Expense Requests” section, you can see the status.

Advisor Pending – still waiting approval from your advisor (you may need to reach out to them)
Pending – Approved by your advisor, waiting on the accountants
Approved – Approved by the accountants

There is also “Canceled” and “Rejected”, which are self explanatory.